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 Morningside civic   association

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Morningside Historic District (North Side)

Helpful Information and Resources

Morningside's Histrionic District includes all homes that are located on and between NE 55th Street and NE 60th Street. Below are a set of download links where you'll find helpful information and resources relating to your home in the Historic District.

Please contact the City of Miami HEP office (link above) for questions regarding permitted alterations to your home or to report violations within the District.

The full guidelines are set forth in the link above. Here are some highlights of which to be aware:

  • Hedges/Fences/Gates: Facades of the historic homes are meant to be seen and appreciated from the public right-of-way. Generally, a hedge or fence may not be located in front of a main façade. An enclosure that extends from the side of the home (parallel to the street) must be set back one foot (1’) from the façade and must not exceed six feet (6’). Any fence, gate or hedge are allowed along rear and side property lines up to 8 feet.
  • Lawn ornaments: Freestanding structures such as (but not limited to) statuary, tire swings, gazebos, fountains, and freestanding mailboxes, are not permitted when visible from the public right-of-way without Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) approval.
  • Drive and Walk Ways: Expansions of walkways, new walkways, and walkways materials not found in the district must be brought before the HEPB for approval.  Whenever possible, driveways and walkways should match the originals in materials and dimensions. Materials not originally found in the district must be approved by the HEPB.
  • Painting. Painting the exterior of your home requires a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the HEPB. The color(s) can be approved administratively (by HP staff) and requires a sample(s) of the paint scheme with the COA application. Color schemes should take the style and year of construction of the home into account. Trim colors may be darker or lighter than the overall color. Staff usually approves the lightest three colors on typical paint strips. Loud, brilliant, or fluorescent colors are not acceptable.
  • Porch Hardware: Changing exterior elements such as wall mounted mailboxes, house numbers, lighting fixtures, and decorative elements added to the home are not reviewed at this time and do not require a COA.
  • Decorative tropical motifs: Decorative motifs found in concrete vents, screen doors, garage vents are common and must be retained.
  • Tree Planting and Tree Removal: Tree removal is governed by Chapter 17 of the Miami City Code entitled “Environmental Preservation” and is enforced by Historic Preservation. Tree removal is an activity that must be mitigated. All persons wishing to remove a tree from their property need to obtain a Tree removal Permit.
  • Roofs: Tile roofs are found on a majority of buildings and shall be retained when possible or replaced. Whenever possible, repair and retain the original roofing material; If the roofing material is too deteriorated to repair, replace in kind with the same material.

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